A Better Connection

Turn more visitors into leads

Upgrade your digital marketing by giving your customers more ways to work with you.

100+million leads
70+million phone calls
1+billion visitors

One inbox. More leads.

Connect with customers instantly

With our communication tools, your customers get a simple process to connect with you—including scheduling appointments and connecting with customer service.

In the office or on the go

Wherever you are, you can stay connected to your customers and leads. Easily communicate with them in one place, and have a history of all your communications from all channels.

Open for more business

Expand the ways customers can reach you beyond just your website. Allow texts, messaging, and scheduling from Google, Bing, Facebook, Yelp, and more.

Improved Communication

“Working with Scorpion is infinitely better than what I was doing before, which was just shotgunning money just to keep my phone ringing. There was no strategy.”

Tim Flynn Owner & CEO, Winters Home Services
Improved Communication

Easier for you. Better for your customers.

With Scorpion’s Communications Suite, we make it easier than ever for you to stay in touch with current and potential customers alike, all while enabling them to use their preferred methods of communication.

How it works is simple. We power your website (and all of your online advertising) with technology that lets your customers contact your business however they would like. Whether they want to give you a call, send you a text, chat with someone online in the moment, or even book an appointment without talking to you at all, they can do just that. It’s easy. It’s painless. It makes their experience better, and by removing all barriers, you make it more likely they’ll choose to contact you.

But the magic doesn’t stop there.

We then make it easier for you and your team.

We take all of those various forms of communicating with your business and pull them into one, centralized inbox for you to manage. So while your customers have a breadth of options, you don’t need to monitor a million places to stay on top of the latest message. You simply need to log into Scorpion, and you’ll have everything there, ready for you to reply, proactively send a text, and more.

Even better? That centralized inbox includes everything you need to know about your customer. From previous conversations to internal notes left by your team, you’ll have everything at your fingertips to keep the conversation flowing.

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Solution Details

Streamlining your communication.

Stay on top of it all.

With a running history of all communication, you can always know exactly where you’re at in the conversation without needing to hunt down details—even if it jumps from text to voicemail to email.

Communicate how customers like it.

With Scorpion’s website technology, customers can request a phone call, send a text, chat with you online, or schedule an appointment online—and all of that funnels directly into your Communications Suite.

Tame the chaos with one inbox.

We take all forms of communication available to your customers and bring it together into one location. So no matter how many options you provide your customers, you still only one have place to manage it all.

Always know what to say.

Not only can you communicate with customers from your central inbox, but you’ll have easy access to all notes about them from your team—so no matter who is talking, they always know what’s going on.

“Our digital marketing has been pivotal in keeping us at the forefront of our market. Scorpion puts us on a more competitive playing field—even though we’re a smaller practice, we’re able to get our website showing up with the larger firms in our area.”

Robert J. Pelphrey Esq., Buchalter Law Group
Communicate Better

Improve your customer's experience

More ways to communicate means more leads. Experience the power of one inbox and more leads, today.

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Common Communications Questions

Learn more about the communications suite

From tools on your website, to texting directly, to requesting an appointment with you on the most popular sites, Scorpion communications does it all.

Can I access my communications from my phone?
Yes! With Scorpion’s mobile app, you can stay on top of your communications, no matter where you are. Your unified inbox is accessible from your phone, letting you and your team stay in contact with your customers on the go.
Can customers text me even if they aren't on the website?
Yes, for your customers, texting with you will be like texting someone in their family! They’ll simply add your business phone number as a contact and send you a message from their cell phone. That text message will then show up in the Communications Suite, and you’ll be able to reply to them from your computer or via the mobile app.
Can I see a history of all messages with each person?
When you log into the Communications Suite, you’ll be able to see all information related to a communication in one central place, including a history of all previous messages. You’ll be able to easily stay on top of a conversation, regardless of whether they previously left you a voicemail, sent you a text, or even emailed you!
Will I get notified if someone sends me a new message?
One of the best features of the Communications Suite is how easy it is for you to stay on top of all incoming messages. From your computer or phone, you can get notified whenever there is an incoming message that you need to take care of—letting you stay on top of conversations without needing to log into each individual website, have your phone’s text message open, and keep an eye on your email inbox. We streamline the work!

What live chat brings to your business

Potential customers are always on the lookout for a product or service that meets their needs. With your website, social media presence, and advertising efforts, you’re at a good starting place to build brand awarenessand convert visitors into customers.

However, the advantage of Live Chat provides you an opportunity to greet your website visitors in real-time, just like if they were stepping foot in your physical store. Sometimes all that makes or breaks a sale is a question about discounts, pricing, or even shipping options. If your visitor can’t find the information they’re looking for, they’ll most likely abandon their cart and leave. Having an agent right there to help guide people the remaining way to check out can be the final step to making the sale that your business was lacking.

How to create a great customer experience on live chat

Live Chat is the ideal way to interact with a customer on your website, but you need to make sure each visitor is being treated the way you would expect to treat a customer face to face.

Just like you would welcome a visitor to your store, each Live Chat session should start with a cordial greeting to the visitor and a friendly inquiry about what the agent can help the customer with. This helps set the expectation for a friendly, and helpful interaction. Remember to keep your responses quick to the point of being almost instantaneous.

The conversation should be kept professional and courteous—no matter the tone of the visitor—and transparent. Leave the pushiness at the door. The sale isn’t the most important thing, your customer is. Keep in mind the key to the conversation is to solve the inquiry and leave the customer with a good experience.

If potential customers are experiencing pain points, Live Chat data is a good place to gather what the most common ones are and get them addressed quickly. Perusing Live Chat data also provides the opportunity to consider frequently asked questions that you may not address in your content. If such an opportunity arises, consider answering these questions on your website to create a better experience for future visitors.

Why your live chat can build the bridge to communication and loyalty

As customers get to know your business through brand awareness, you want to create a way to interact with each of them on a personal level. That’s where Live Chat comes in. Not only does it provide a non-intrusive way to communicate with website visitors, but it also boosts your credibility.

People like to know they’re dealing with real people on the other side of the screen and Live Chat technology reminds them of that. Social interactions are always shifting and just because someone is shopping online doesn’t mean they can’t receive the same welcome they would get in a store.

Let people know you’re there even if they’re “just looking” with the personal touch of a Live Chat application. Before you know it, you’ll see an increase in customer trust and loyalty.
