Feeling Valued While Seeing Results
Five Star Painting was built on a vision to develop something more. To be a company that would bring beauty and color into people’s lives and make a difference. And that’s exactly what Pedro and Jorge Campos set out to do when they became part of the Five Star Painting franchise. But despite the brother’s best efforts, they just weren’t seeing the growth they were hoping for. The year was 2015 and the brothers had decided to take the leap into becoming business owners.
“About five, almost six years ago now, my brother came to me and said, ‘We should look into owning and buying a franchise.” Calling El Paso home for most of their lives, the brothers jumped at the chance to be a part of a company that could offer exceptional service in an industry where great customer support is part of the job.
Both Jorge and Pedro wanted to make a difference in their hometown but their marketing efforts weren’t driving the growth rates that new entrepreneurs hope for. And that’s when the brothers heard about Scorpion from Five Star’s corporate location.

The Right Partnership
In 2015, Five Star Painting’s main headquarters signed on to get marketing help from Scorpion, by the end of the year, Pedro and Jorge didn’t think twice about following suit. “Scorpion has always been 80% of our marketing campaign. We’ve never felt or needed to expand outside of that.”
With a brand new marketing team on their side, Pedro and Jorge launched a campaign with a focus on advertising and haven’t looked back.
The Numbers Say it All
Since joining in 2016, Pedro and Jorge and their Scorpion team have focused their marketing efforts on display ad advertising, social media ads, pay-per-click ads, and Scorpion’s local SEO package to help their website reach page one in search engine results.
When they launched in 2015, Five Star Painting of El Paso was receiving attention but not the kind that really brings in business. By the end of the year, the business was looking at a yearly volume of around 317 new leads, 516 organic traffic visits to their website, and a $500 budget to try something new.
Since reaching out to Scorpion, Five Star Painting of El Paso has seen a 440% increase in yearly lead volume, and new 1743 leads coming down the pipeline. Their website now hosts over 4.3K organic visitors. As for their committed $500 budget? The brothers are now seeing a 1400% ROI. When asked what would be their advice to someone considering using Scorpion for their business marketing, Jorge was quick to answer. “My advice to somebody who’s considering Scorpion I would say, number 1 do it! Do it. There is no reason why not. And be patient. Let Scorpion do its magic.
There’s no abracadabra or bunnies pulled out of top hats when it comes to what Scorpion can do for your business. We don’t wave magic wands. We have just been doing this longer than anyone and know how to make the right internet marketing plan for your business. And to some, that’s the magic word.