Have you seen Google’s Local Services Ads (LSAs) for attorneys?
Well, they’re about to become even more impressive to prospective clients who are searching for lawyers in their local communities. (Find out what LSAs are here.)
As a direct LSA partner with Google, Scorpion has the latest details on a few changes Google is making to their law firm LSA profiles (the page a prospect sees after they click on an LSA ad).
The new features in legal LSAs include:
- Attorney photos.
- More robust attorney bios.
- A frequently asked questions (FAQ) section.
Here’s more information about each new development and how it can help law firms like yours…
1. An attorney photo puts a face to a name and builds trust
People searching online for a service professional like an attorney are more likely to pick up the phone and call that professional if they can see who they will be working with.
As a result, Google is collecting headshots from all attorneys signed up in the legal LSAs program in preparation of the new photo feature soon.
2. An attorney bio helps prove an attorney is qualified to handle a case
When people search for an attorney, they want to know they’re choosing a legal professional with the right experience and qualifications for their case.
To make it easier for prospective clients to gather all the information they need from an LSA (instead of having to leave the ad to do further research), Google is adding attorney bio information right in the LSA profile.
Here’s an example of what the attorney bios will look like:
3. An FAQ section educates prospects about the importance of working with an attorney
In legal fields like estate and immigration law, many people try to save money by handling their legal matters themselves (like drafting up their own wills, filing their own motions, representing themselves in court, etc.). Yet, they usually quickly discover that the cost of taking matters into their own hands far outweighs the “savings,” as a lack of legal expertise can result in expensive, result-altering, and even life-altering errors.
This is exactly why Google is adding an FAQ section to its LSA profiles for attorneys.
By answering common questions about your legal practice area right from the start, you can educate prospective clients early on so they better understand the value of working with a qualified attorney, and learn the steps they can take to access the help they need.
If you’re running LSAs for your law firm or you’re considering doing so in the future, start thinking now about the types of information that could benefit your prospective clients.
What questions do they usually ask when they’re thinking of hiring an attorney? And what information will help them make better decisions about the type of representation they choose?
Make sure to job down those questions and answers and save them somewhere for your future LSA FAQ section.
Helping your firm stay on the cutting edge of online search
Google’s legal LSAs—along with other aspects of online search like pay-per-click (PPC) ads, organic results, and the local map results—are constantly evolving.
As a result, it’s essential for you firm to stay on top of the latest developments in online search. It’s the only way you’ll be able to stay visible to potential clients online and attract more new business to your firm
Scorpion can help you maintain a competitive search presence so your practice is one of the FIRST firms potential clients see and trust when they look for an attorney online.
And why can you trust the Scorpion team?
Because we’re one of Google’s official LSA partners, meaning we’re among a handful of agencies selected by Google to help law firms with their LSA applications, onboarding and campaign management. It also means we’re among the first to find out about the latest developments concerning LSAs (like the ones mentioned in this post), which allows us to create more competitive campaigns for our clients.
Want to find out how you can start using LSAs or improve your existing campaigns?
Contact Scorpion, or watch a replay of our LSA webinar for attorneys.